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Aylesbury Bus Station

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Listing Details

Aylesbury's central bus station is accessible from Market Square via Great Western Street, which runs under Friars Square Shopping Centre. There are lifts to the bus station from Friars Square Shopping Centre, and it is also accessible off Friarage Road on the other side of Great Western Street.

In the bus station, there is plenty of seating, a kiosk serving hot drinks and snacks, and toilets.

Timetables at Buckinghamshire Council: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/bus-passes-and-travel/bus-timetables/

Aylesbury Bus Station
Aylesbury Bus Station


Great Western Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 2QF

Contact, Address, and Web Info

Great Western Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 2QF